
Major investment has been made in the cultivation and renewal of our orchards and varieties.
There are currently 80 hectares of cultivation, of which 40 hectares are planted with Rocha pear trees, and the other 40 hectares with apple trees, including the Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Jonagored, Reineta Parda, Red Delicious and Fuji Ameixa varieties.

The microclimate of the West Region of Portugal provides exceptional conditions for production of these fruits, which explains why the pears and apples of this region have organoleptic qualities (colour, taste and aroma) that are appreciated and acknowledged the world over.

The company strives to care for its natural resources, having optimised its water consumption control and adopted a set of rational and integrated agricultural practices to protect the environment.


The whole production and packaging process is based on the Integrated Production, HCCP and GlobalGap standards.

In all the production, storage and classification phases, the fruits are controlled by specialised experts who guarantee the production quality.

Benefits of the Integrated Protection:

  • Higher consumer confidence;
  • Quality assurance of the product: the entire production process complies with the established standards;
  • Alternative system: focused on biological control and other alternative methods to fight pests and disease;
  • Environmental conservation: maintains the soil quality and the environmental biodiversity;
  • Minimisation of risks for producers: reduces and optimises the use of agricultural chemicals;
  • Tracking: through tracking we can monitor how each item of fruit was produced and stored;
  • Food safety: analysis of toxic agricultural waste ensures safe consumption of the fruit.

Global Gap Certification since 2011

GLOBALG.A.P. is a private organisation that establishes voluntary standards for certification of the production processes of agricultural goods.

GLOBALG.A.P. has been set up with the overriding goal of providing assurances to consumers about agricultural products, minimising the negative environmental impacts of the agricultural operations, reducing the use of chemical products and guaranteeing a responsible approach to the workers’ health and safety and the welfare of livestock. Source: